Prepare to be spattered with a selection of my crap from the thrilling days of Usenet. Best chess opening names (talk.bizarre, 15 March 2007)
The Fred Defense
The Hedgehog Opening
The Sicilian Dragon (That is James Bond in a towel!)
The Elephant Gambit
The Scotch Game (hic)
Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation Doubly Deferred (wtf) (peotry) (talk.bizarre, 6 December 2006)
Gustie Herrigal
Holidayed in Terrigal.
She went into a Zen trance
Down by The Entrance. Stages of Kitty War (talk.bizarre, 13 July 2006)
1. National anthem.
2. Alarums and excursions.
3. Four-dimensional tag.
4. Celebrity wrestling.
5. Complete randomness.
6. Frank retreats to Fortress of Solitude behind desk.
7. Tim randomly attacks air molecules.
8. Displacement of aggression onto crumpled balls of paper.
9. Detente.
10. Unconsciousness.
11. Gradual settling of clumps of fur over horizontal surfaces.