Reproductive Freedom

Oct 06, 2008 11:38

Victoria's abortion reform bill will be debated in the upper house this week. The Catholic Church objects to a clause requiring doctors who choose not to perform abortions to refer patients to another doctor, arguing that this breaches that doctor's freedom of religion. A senior Catholic doctor disagrees: "The clause is there to stop the random fanatic sabotaging a woman's access to abortion. Most doctors are decent and honourable, and work around (a conscientious objection) to find a way that patients' needs are met. But some allow their consciences to trample over the rights of women, and it can lead to horrible outcomes." More info can be found at Women's Health Victoria.

Via alryssa: Planned Parenthood gains from Palin email campaign: "Instead of (actually, in addition to) all of us all sending more e-mails about how absolutely horrible she is, let's all make a donation to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name." The best part: Palin gets a thank you card for each donation in her name. That's more than just amusing - it's a genuine protest from voters.

93% of parents in Washington DC want comprehensive sex education for their kids.

New South African president fires ‘Dr. Beetroot’: Quoth the erstwhile health minister: "Raw garlic and a skin of the lemon - not only do they give you a beautiful face and skin, but they also protect you from disease. All I am bombarded about is anti-retrovirals, anti-retrovirals."

pollie tix, reproductive freedom, good causes, feh muh nist, sex education

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