A whole shedload of links

Feb 17, 2008 13:08

Philip Glenister interview. "I get a lot of letters inviting me to nip round and take down their particulars when their husbands are at work. That's very flattering, but I think it is Gene Hunt they find attractive, not me." (I left a comment disputing this, but alas, none have appeared at the site. :-) And a review speculating on Gene's appeal.

The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You. Where you wondering why, to the Ancient Egyptians, the hippo was a symbol of chaos and evil? Now you know.

OK, serious stuff now. Did you know? Australian's first Muslims were the thousands of cameleers who were crucial to the country's development. The famous train The Ghan is named for them.

Meanwhile in present-day Australia, the government will help fund security for schools vulnerable to racist attacks, such as Jewish and Muslim schools.

The apology to the Stolen Generations is a huge step forward, but only a first step in repairing the damage done to Indigenous Australians. The guvmint plans regular nurse visits for Indigenous children. However, so far they've only committed about an eighth of the funds needed to fully solve the Aboriginal health crisis; plus, no federal compensation scheme for the Stolen Generations, although Tasmania has not only done the right thing, but saved itself a fortune, by setting one up.

anti-semitism, ginger ninjas, tv: ashes to ashes, boys: philip glenister, islamophobia, australia, indigenous australians, melanin, bric a brac

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