Bric a brac

Jan 24, 2008 19:09

Chess champion Bobby Fischer passed away this week.

Attacked by "conservative culture warriors" such as the former PM, Australian schools are quietly dropping contemporary approaches to literature, such as examining the role of race and gender."Conservative voices in the media misrepresent what goes on in the nation's literacy and English classrooms," [Assoc Prof Ilana] Snyder says. "Literacy teachers are not mindless promoters of educational fads and left-wing ideologies. They do not ignore basic literacy skills, traditional grammar and the books of the canon. Such claims are false and enormously damaging to the enterprise of education."
(Mind you, Internet fandom demonstrates that close reading isn't exactly a widespread skill.)

benchilada found a great pulp book cover.

Top Gear with British Sign Language. (Surely that clip cuts off too early! I want to see the BSL for "badger of death"!) Plus! A cheeky Deaf man obviously imitating Jeremy Clarkson!

tv: top gear apparently, it's the mind: chess and crosswords etc, book-mucking, bric a brac, australia

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