Serious stuff from Australia: the gag rule, gay marriage, homelessness, overfishing, the ecological impact of different fabrics, and the Gunns paper mill.
"Fears of a conservative backlash against the Federal Government mean that a ban on foreign aid money going to family planning programs is unlikely to be lifted before the election. And a move to give gay couples the same financial and legal rights as heterosexuals has been deferred." Roll on the Federal election. (ETA: More on the
gag rule.)
Rising rents and lack of public housing mean
Sydney is facing a homelessness crisis, affecting women with children.
Overfishing threatens many species - consumers can help by avoiding affected types of fish, such as the orange roughy.
Along the same lines, here's
environmental info on different fabrics.
128 top scientists are calling for a new assessment of the proposed
Gunns pulp mill in Tasmania.