Books read, May 2010

May 31, 2010 23:59

Magnus Mills. Explorers of the New Century.

Books bought
bell hooks. All About Love: New Visions.
Nalo Hopkinson. The New Moon's Arms.
Willis Goth Regier. The Book of the Sphinx.
Ted Solotaroff. A Few Good Voices in My Head: Occasional Pieces on Writing, Editing, and Reading My Contemporaries.
Bram Stoker. Jewel of Seven Stars.

Books borrowed
William Burroughs. Naked Lunch: the Restored Text.
Lois Grant. People Who Make Your Life Hell. He he he.
Samuel L. McQuade III, James P. Colt, and Nancy B.B. Meyer. Cyber Bullying: Protecting Kids and Adults from Online Bullies. Ho ho ho.

Photocopy log
From the Lexikon: B3stt, Mwt, Mnhyt, W3dt (in part)
Jan Assmann. "The New Gods". in The Search for God in Ancient Egypt. Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press, 2001. pp 189-244.
(bits of) Langton, N. The cat in ancient Egypt: illustrated from the collection of cat and other Egyptian figures formed by N. & B. Langton.. London, Kegan Paul, 2002.
te Velde, Herman. "Mut, the Eye of Re." in S. Schoske (ed). Akten des vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen-Kongresses München 1985 3, (Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur Beihefte 3), pp 395-403. Hamburg, Helmut Buske Verlag.

books read/bought/borrowed, book-mucking

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