Nikita Lalwani. Gifted.
Mark Lawson. The Battle For Room Service: Journeys to All the Safe Places.
Books Bought
Frederick Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth. Critical Mass.
Adrian Poole. Tragedy: A Very Short Introduction.
Books Borrowed
C.J. Bleeker. Hathor and Thoth: two key figures of the ancient Egyptian religion.
Cretien van Campen. The Hidden Sense: synaesthesia in art and science.
S. Cauville. Dendara; traduction
Kevin T. Dann. Bright Colors Falsely Seen: synaesthesia and the search for transcendental knowledge.
Euripedes. Hecuba. (Introduction, translation, commentary by Christopher Collard.)
Euripedes. Heracles. (Introduction, translation, commentary by Shirley A. Barlow.)
Mary R. Lefkowitz. Women in Greek myth.
Stephen Quirke. Cult of Ra: sun-worship in Ancient Egypt.