(no subject)

Oct 18, 2005 06:59

my life is amazing.

Smiled?: today
Laughed?: at school
Cried?: oh god i couldnt tell you
Bought something?: at lunch
Were sarcastic?: um when am i not?
Kissed someone?: oh god. like 10000 years ago
Talked to an ex?: uh like 5 days ago
Watched your favorite movie?: SUNDAy
Had a nightmare?: pretty much never

A Last time for everything ...

Last book you read: like, read or like re-read? because i re-read the great gatsby like 3 weeks ago.
Last movie you saw: american history x
Last song you heard: northstar - to better my angel
Last thing you had to drink: diet coke.
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: lunch

Do You ...

Smoke?: weed, sometimes
Do drugs?: not really
Have sex?: NO. god, if i was having sex my life would be so much better
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
Live in the moment?: i always try to
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: hell no.
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: nope
Play an instrument?: haha god no
Believe there is life on other planets?: eh
Remember your first love?: hah. I DONT LOVE NOONE.
Still love him/her?: no thanks
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yeah
Believe in miracles?: yeah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: . not for me.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: no
Consider love a mistake?: nope
Like the taste of alcohol?: BEAAAAHH
Have a favorite candy?: reese's pieces! or butterfingers or cookies and cream
Believe in astrology?: no its always wrong
Believe in magic?: no
Pray?: not on my knees
Go to church?: no
Have any secrets?: who doesnt?
Have any pets: kitties!
Do well in school?: actually, this year im doing very well
Go to or plan to go to college?: NEXT YEAR
Have a major?: Psych, or social work
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: no
Wear hats?: no
Have any piercings?: yeah
Have any tattoos?: nope
Hate yourself?: no
Have an obsession?: TOM FELTON, JUDE LAW + BRAD PITT
Have a secret crush?: no
Do they know yet?: no
Collect anything?: yep
Have a best friend?: mmhmm
Wish on stars?: wishing is a waste of time
Like your handwriting?: no
Have any bad habits?: yep
Care about looks?: eh
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: kinda
Friends and other people?: no
Believe in witches?: no
Believe in Satan?: .
Believe in ghosts?: why not?


First grade teacher's name: MRS. HEARTY, greg & eryn has her too/
Last word you said: COOL
Last song you sang: some nigga jam
Last song stuck in your head: panic at the disco - lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off


What's in your CD player: bright eyes
What color socks are you wearing: my feet are naked
What's under your bed: nothing
What's the weather like: cold
What time did you wake up today: 6:30


Who do you want to marry: me? ...no clue
Are you going to college: yeah
Where do you want to go: there is a difference between where you want to go and where you can get in.
What is your career going to be: i wanna be a clinical psychologist or a social worker
Where are you going to live: anywhere
How many kids do you want: 1 or 2
Where do you want your honeymoon: haiwii or carribean
What kind of car will you have: CAMARO

a n g e r section.

do you have a quick temper?: no
what do you do when you're mad?: i flip out
what's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: i dont know
if you can take back time, would you have never said them?: nope.
ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: hahah yeah
do you curse when you're mad?: too much :[

c r y i n g section.

when was the last time you really cried?: no clue
ever cried yourself to sleep?: hah no
ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: like literally on there shoulder? yes
ever cried over the opposite sex?: yeah
do you cry when you get an injury?: yes haha
do certain songs make you cry?: yeah
can you make yourself cry?: YES

p a i n section.

what's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through?: everything. HAH MY LIFE IS PAIN. no, probably moving so much.
what's the worst thing you've done to somebody else?: i think all of middle school when i ruined harmonis life
ever had a painful break up?: oh please
what about the old 'pain for pleasure'?: no
how depressed can you get?: pretty depressed
do you inflict pain on yourself?: gross no

h a p p y section.

are you normally a happy person?: yeah
what can make you happy?: boys and friends
do you wish you were happier?: no, im happy as hell right now
what makes you the happiest?: friends
is being happy overrated?: hell no
what about being with your friends, does that make you happy?: mmhmm
can music make you happy?: yep

l o v e section.

how many times have you been dumped?: like 3
do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others?: no
did you ever love a guy, tell them that, and only got 'thanks' as a reply?: nope
has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?: yeah
ever stopped a relationship because they didn't say 'i love you'?: no

h a t e section.

who do you actually hate?: a few people
ever made a hit list?: yep
have you ever been on a hit list?: probably
are you a mean bully?: no...
do you hate any one that breaks your heart?: nope
do you hate George Bush?: oh yeah

s e l f - e s t e e m section.

is your self-esteem extremely low?: no
do you believe in yourself?: sometimes
when people say they think you are pretty, do you deny you are?: im just like 'oh thanks'
are you one of those idiots that think they are ugly, dumb, and fat?: no
are you happy with who you are?: yep, because i cant change it
do you wish you can be someone else?: no


prank called someone: yep
been prank called: yeah
fallen asleep in class: yeah
been suspended since first grade: yes
been expelled: no
seen someone die: no
flirty eye contacted someone in class: OH BBABY
fantasized about someone: yeah
trashed a hotel room: yep
trashed someones home at a house party: no, im nice
worried about your friends? yeah , all the tiem
had your friends worry about you? no


told them you loved them: idk
complimented: idk
spoke to on the phone: mummy
got an e-mail from: greggie
spoke to on-line: skepsis
bitched with: mummy?
bitched at: mummy
missed: too many people.
wished you could see them more: UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
wished you would see them less: .
fought with verbally: mummy
fought with physically: mat
had sex with: idk
wanted to have sex with: JUDE LAW
saw: christine
swore at: .
laughed at: christine probably
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