SOOO I know its late to the extreme here. Meaning like...its 1:44AM. But I've been watching videos by Andrew Bravener. Lemme tell ya'...DUDES FUCKING HILARIOUS! I just watched this video: Which is about his first memory, being his first scar.
And I was going to leave my story about my first scars in his comments to share [Yes, My first memory has multipile scars.]. But its too long for the comments page. And I didn't wanna be a weirdbeard and message it to him. Also, I was gonna make a video response, but I hate the sound of my voice and I didn't want comments from people telling me how ugly I am.
So, Andrew! Here's my first memory about my first scars.
[But this is actually my only memory besides getting beat up everyday in the first grade. Something else tramatic happened in my childhood, so for some reason they're all blocked out but these two. Its weird and lame, I know. So my family tells me about my childhood anddddddd I get all bummed out because I can't remember what their talking about. ]
Its okay if you don't read this. I wanted to share like other people. Hereeeeee we go!:
I was in the first grade: my dad told my mom he was taking me and my brother, Butters out for Ice Cream.
Instead, he took us to one of his friends house. They were dog sitting a friends Dalmation. The dad's like "yeah, he doesn't like strangers. so we're going to leave him out back so nobody gets bit." [DUN! DUN! DUUUNNN!] So they did. My dad sits and drinks with the husband and wife while my brother and I play with their sons. They showed us their lizard with was pretty sweet. Some hours later, we finally left.
When we got in the car, Butters starts crying that he left his wolf sunglasses from the zoo in their house. Now, It was like 10 o'clock at night. And my dads like "Stay here. I'll go get them." The thought of being alone in the car in the dark was scary to us.
I start crying "Noooo! Daddy, take us with you!" Even though we're in the drive way. So he's like "SIGHHH! Okayy." So he takes us up to the door with him and we knock [*knockknock*] and they answer the door. What we didn't know was that after we left, they let the dog back in the house. [dundundun2]
So they answer the door and my dad tells them about Butters sunglasses. The dog pushes past them and I smile,'cause I fucking love animals. I go "AWEE! WHAT I KOOT PUPPEE!" Then the dog lunges for my face, I black out. Then I open my eyes [kinda like, "wait? when did I go to sleep?" or whatever, scenrios.] and my dads holding me and I look into the mirror and my face is all bloody. Mostly on my chin and cheeks. The wife and my dad are trying to clean me up. Everyone's freaking out and I'm just kinda blank.
Then my dad takes us home, telling me and my brother how he's going to do all the talking like he originally was, because we were suppose to be home hoouuurrrrssss ago and for us not to say anything unless mom asked. So we went home and we has us wait for him and my mom in the living room. He goes upstairs and all we could hear was my dad going "Now, Donna...don't freak out but Kate's bleeding ALOT." and my mom going "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?" Dad tells her " bit by a dog?" She walks out of her their room and I'm standing at the bottom of the stairs "Hi, Mommy."
Then next thing I know we're in the ER and the nurse is asking me what happened while she cleans me up. "I said the doggy was koot and he bit me." Then shes kinda like "Ohhh!? Really?" but what he really meant was "Uhhuh, sure kid. RIIIIIIGHT!" Then a doctor comes in and asks me the same thing and patches me up. I tell him what I told the nurse. Then they bring my parents into the hallway. I hear my mom yell "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT! WE DON'T HURT OUR KIDS! rawrrrr!" So they get more people involved convince my parents did this. Meanwhile I'm just sitting there like "No...really! A doggy bit me. I said he was koot and he got mad." Then they finally believed me. "Awww! What a mean doggy."
Now in the winter, whenits super cold out I have a blue line going down my chin. I have nerve damage in my chin and I have tiny scars around my mouth from him literally almost ripping my face off. 'Cause my dad was like "He had your whole head in his mouth, like he was going to twist and rip it off and eat you." Score.
So! Theres my story. Hope it wasn't soo boring for you. Sorry if it was.