Of all the times I wish I was wrong...

Mar 16, 2009 12:03

...and I had to be right.
Why goddamnit WHY? I like to be correct, but this is one time I wish more than anything I was totally wrong.
Mother's instinct I guess.
I just wish I could maintain the cool, calm, collected Kate that I used to whenever my mom freaked about something.
But nooooooooooo. My kid gets really really sick and I just turn into her. Thankfully I don't panic nearly as bad.

I guess my mom was a little pissed at me last night when I called, she answered but I asked to talk to Dad to tell HIM that my son has pneumonia. I needed him as a buffer so that she didn't panic as badly. Thankfully she realized that it was the best thing to do since I was barely hanging on to the edge of sanity myself and if I'd told her then we both would have lost it, and that's just not good.

Didn't get to sleep 'til around 5:30am. I'm sure T didn't get to sleep until around then either. He maintained much better than I did, but it was obvious he was nearly as worried as I was.

I'm just glad I insisted on getting Sky checked out ASAP. Poor kiddo. :(
He was nervous when the doc sent us to radiology. He's never had an X-ray before. Of course when the doc ordered the chest X-ray that immediately told me that he had detected diminished breathing in Sky's lungs (which the doc wouldn't tell us anything at first cuz he wasn't sure and didn't want to send me into panic mode) and all I could think was that he had bronchitis or pneumonia, and didn't have the symptoms of bronchitis. I just had to bite the hell out of my lip and maintain my tight grip on the edge of sanity until we were back with the doc.

After the x-rays, I said to the doc, "Please, tell me I'm wrong. That's all I want, is for you to tell me I'm wrong"
He asked, "What do you think it is?"
I said pneumonia.
He told me that I was right.
I immediately came back with "DUDE! You're supposed to tell me I'm WRONG!"
But he couldn't tell me I was wrong and be honest at the same time.

As soon as I saw the X-rays, I went into Auto-Mom mode. Panic found a back burner for a few hours until KS practically shoved me out of his house. It was just torture to make myself leave, even when I know my kiddle will be well taken care of by his dad and grandmother, I'm mom. Damnit. Last night was the first and only time I really kinda wished KS and I could have worked so that we didn't have to "share" the kiddle between us. Of course that thought was fleeting and left as quickly as it came... I just didn't want to leave my kiddle when he's so sick.

It's been a real nail biter the last few days, but now that Sky's got some antibiotics in him his fever is finally down (103.6 is fucking SCARY) he's got a bit of an appetite back and was playing a little Guitar Hero when I talked to him an hour ago. He kept coughing tho, so I made him get off the phone and stop talking so he didn't hurt himself coughing too much.

Now I must go and create some sort of bubble for my son to live in so this doesn't happen again....
...yeah I know. Wishful thinking.

I'm just so so so so so so so so soooooooooooooooo glad he's getting better.
I never, EVER want to go thru that again!

I swear that boy is too much like his parents sometimes. Just like his dad, he rarely gets sick, but when he does he goes all the way. And just like his mother, everyone else had this cold, but he had to do one better and develop pneumonia. Gah.
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