Aug 10, 2006 07:05
So. Yesterday was my last day at my very first grown up job. And the best boyfriend in the universe sent me pink roses at my office and made every other lady in there jealous and got their spouses in trouble. I'll miss a lot of people very much, but I am confident that I made the right decision.
I'm going back to school. Just saying it gets me really excited. Sometimes I feel like I'm storming backwards and forcing myself into my Chucks and a short haircut and a messenger bag and into a life that just isn't mine anymore, like the people that still hang around Bridgewater during school time on the couches in the campus center, which I don't, but I think I have to assure everyone and myself that this is different. Different school, different degree, different people, different mission. I'm not forcing myself into my old life, I'm just embarking on a new one with some familiarity and that makes it no less new or awesome.
Back to the Rec on Monday. I know I've had my issues with the Rec Center but trust me, after having real life grown up issues at a real life grown up job with real life grown up consequences, having Tom make me clean the supply closet or work a little longer on Fridays isn't that much of a problem. It will be really refreshing to again have a job that I don't take home with me every night and every weekend.
Money will be a lot scarcer, that's for sure. But I'll be saving a truckload on gas (try aboout $250 a month, and was only going higher), and I'll just have to be a little more frugal. No problem, I'm cheap as hell as it is. It will just take some adjusting.
And as all things begin, my new life will start with a medium iced French Vanilla, light with sugar. Salud!