Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 19, 2012 21:24

Hello, Yuletide writer! I'm so happy you're writing for me. All of my fandoms this year are pretty obscure and it's exciting that someone wants to write a fic for it. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

General Likes/Dislikes
-In general, I think I'd rather stick to canon for the setting, although other details can be AU. Whatever you do, no high school AU.
-Dub-con or violent kinks

-Day in the life or domesticity themes
-Missing scenes
-Character backstory
-Tough characters acting sweet
-Romance, which should become obvious in my specifics. :P
-My bookmarks on AO3 should also give you a good idea of what I like!

-Any, from G to NC-17, although I generally prefer a rating to hover around R territory.
-Violence: I don't like a lot of description of gore, but violence is fine.
-Sex: I'm fine with detailed sex scenes. I'd rather not have it be 50 Shades of Grey ridiculousness and/or clinical detail, but don't fade to black the second the clothes are off either. Oh, I feel awkward that my LJ friends might be reading this.


Song of Achilles: Patroclus/Achilles: I'm asking for the characters as they were written in Song of Achilles, which I understand is not the same as the canon Iliad. I don't have a detailed idea in mind here, I just want stuff about them as a couple, whether it's sweet/fluffy, smutty, or a combination of both. (Okay...both. Both is good.)

Darkover: Regis/Danilo: I'd like something similar here. Basically just a "story of the relationship" fic. In the book, they barely even act affectionate with each other. I'd like to see how their relationship really is, without 1970s-era sensibilities getting in the way. I'd really love some missing scenes from "Heritage of Hastur," when they're teenagers/young men.

Ecstasia: Like I said in the request, I don't care. There's one fic in existence that I know of. I would enjoy some romance, especially Rafe/Paul, but anything is lovely. It could be before Ecstasia, during Ecstasia, after, whatever. Just gimme fic.

Swordspoint: I love the students. So much. Even though they're just minor characters, they really captured my imagination. I am fascinated by Finn/Lindley and I ship Peter/Henry no matter how illogical it is. I trust you as a Swordspoint writer (I have yet to meet someone in this fandom who isn't amazing), and will let you bring your own ideas to this. I would just be excited to see more fic about these characters.
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