Ignore if you are not from Yuletide

Nov 17, 2011 17:27

Dear Writer,

First of all, THANK YOU! I know that whatever you write will be a wonderful addition to one of my favorite obscure fandoms.

General info: I'm comfortable with any rating, from fluff up to smut. However, I would prefer to stay away from more colorful kinks like scat. I like romance, but plot is good too. I have a weakness for mysteries. Characters are my favorite part of a story, so I'm all for in depth character development. For Ludwig II and Swordspoint, I obviously want m/m. For Desperate Romantics and Jack Taylor I would prefer not to got there. I'm not a huge fan of AU, so I would prefer that you don't turn the characters into high school students or vampires. I don't like crackfic that much either, although I do enjoy humor in an otherwise serious fic. Please do not include anything involving sexual assault/rape. I don't care how interesting you think it makes the plot, I don't want to read it.
Please, use your creativity! I love seeing what people think up.

My requests:
1.) Swordspoint: Richard/Alec.
Your prompt: PDA. There's one line in Swordspoint that's something like "they didn't touch outside of bed." (Sorry, I don't have the book right here, so I can't look up the exact wording!) I've always been rather intrigued by how private their relationship was. However, if you would prefer to write any other story involving Richard and Alec, I will certainly not complain!

2.) Jack Taylor novels
I've never seen fanfiction for this so I would appreciate any story. Whether you want to make up a new mystery or just have the characters interacting together. It would be interesting to see Jack finally make it to America, and his friends come to visit him.

3.) Desperate Romantics
Well, I would really like something about Johnny and Effie Gray. However, especially considering that Effie is not an available character, I would appreciate any fanfiction about Millais. If you want to veer towards the RPF side and not stick to the show canon, I'm fine with that too!

4.) Ludwig II (Manga)
I really don't have any specific requests. If someone wants to write this pairing, I leave it up to them. I just want fic! Fluff or smut is fine.

Thank you again!
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