What is up with this 'Expensive' Word...

Jun 07, 2006 21:54

Okay, so remember creepy old man from yesterday?
(And yes, after more thinking I do agree with the hand sanitizer comments...)
Well his twin came in today. Or his brother, or something. Like seriously, they HAVE to know each other or this is just weird.
So I am working away like a good, innocent, non-interested in old men girl...it isn't too busy and the morning has been rather pleasant. This old man (of course) comes through the till with some groceries. We start the whole "I am serving you and have to be nice to you and I have nothing better to do so I may as well be nice back plus I am trying to hit on you thing"...which has become my routine with old men, sad as that is...
Same as yesterday - everything he says, he adds a "wink wink nudge nudge ha ha don't you just love me" smile and laugh bit, I am not impressed. Then I give him the total - not much, around 20 bucks and he goes, "Well, aren't you an expensive woman!"
I was like, ok.
Then he continues "That's what the other guy said, isn't it?!" (I am assuming the guy from yesterday or he is just really strange...)
I was like, ok...yeah. (what??)
He continues of course, "But you are worth every penny, aren't you??!.......Yep, quality for the money with you..."
Smile and nod.
So there you go. I seem to attract the old men like bees to honey...now only if one of them had a grandson ha ha :)

In other news, went swimming with Petra, Jackman, Chelsey and Naomi today. LOVELY. Getting a beautiful tan and lots more freckles. Youth. Played some freezing cold "steal the watermelon on a tarp in a freezing cold water-soap-bean mixture", that was good times. Mike called for Kala and I when we were gone, calling tomorrow. I assume to hear the officially "sorry but no thanks". We are probably FINALLY hearing (after just over two weeks) because I emailed him yesterday being like, "Hey Mike. I guess the silence is a bad sign, eh? Just wanted to say that I am sorry that the funding didn't come through, would have loved to work there blah blah...so let me know the official no so I can look for a different second job..." So yeah. It will be good to have the official word because really I am still hanging onto the hope that I could still be working there ha ha. I just really really really wanted the job. Curious to see what God's plan is, the ride has sure been interesting.
The whole time I have had a great feeling about it, a definite peace. After hearing about the re-interview though, I started to think that maybe this might just be a big lesson in faith and trusting God...and I mean it worked, so I guess I would say I am content if that was the sole purpose of this whole thing. I was SO stoked about the job though, I can't even tell you. Like I even had my camp counselor all picked (we don't use our real names). My grandma thought of it - Jetski. Because my first Jessie doll I had when I was little I very originally named Jessie. But my Grandpa would always called it Jetski to get me ha ha. He did things like that a lot. Half the people at church had a different name according to him ha ha.
I just love working with kids so much - they give me energy. You can totally be your stupid self and they love you, sometimes instantly. I am enjoying Food Basics a lot, especially as I get to know my coworkers more. But there is just that something in doing what you love...
That is actually how Lucado's new book (that I just got) starts out - trying to help you figure out what you love, what God put in your heart to love so that you can use what God gave you to glorify Him. He describes using your everyday life, your strengths towards God's glory to find your "sweet spot". That is the first section which I read the other night. The other two sections will deal with how to make a big deal out of God and then how to do this in everyday life. When I was reading it, I was like...seriously God - I had that job...you know, the one that I will love more than anything...and now I don't, what's up with that?
But yeah, we will see what happens. Truthfully like I said, I haven't given up hope that I could still get the job (even though I don't have my first aid and there is no way for me to get it before the job would start ha ha), and probably won't give up hope until like the middle of August :)
Yeah, that's it for me today.
Get to play volleyball tomorrow night at Forward :)
Ooooh and a hair cut Friday...yay.
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