(no subject)

Apr 07, 2006 21:52

super long entry??
...we'll see

so tonight was girls night.
ver very fun if you ask me
hell of a bill run up at Uno's though.
anyway, props to Christina for an awesome night out. i havent gone out in soooo long. its kinda sad. but it was fun. and what was really funny was that Ross and this other waiter were always at our table.
good times.

its been awhile so lets update.
i'm really sick of fighting with people
and just the bad moods of people in general...
i've finally realized that because of their bad moods.. it puts me in a bad mood. and needless to say... no one likes me when i'm in a bad mood. lol

i think another things thats been making me irritable is the fact that i have been stuck in my house forever. this past weekend and this current weekend are the first ones i've gone out to have fun in like 2 months.
i know.

but anyway
last weekend i went shoppingwith nicole and made my success project... and i had SAT's.
so dumb.
i hate tests.
and when stupid people are in my room. good thing Amanda and Meg were there to keep me company.
oh. and i think its retarded that i couldn't take my [wrongly made] ice coffee in the test room with me...
we all know that i had secret answeres in my coffee. right?
again, stupid, stupid test.

and then this whole week everythings been alright... new grades (P.S. I did super good on term 3... 2 B's and 3 A's) but i'm doing well in my classes... except now that gabby's not in spanish, i have no friends
pittiful, i know.
but this week was pretty good... only thing that went wrong.. spirit week/harmony week... not so good. but oh well. Mr. Oakmont is going smoothly, as of right now...
and i am very proud/happy about that.

The musical is slowly creeping up on us and we are far from ready.
sadly. and i'm sorry but i dont want to spend my vacation at practices... because, i hate to sound snobby, but i know my stuff...and really. lets go people. atleast try to PRETEND you've practiced.

And lastly. i think i'm ready to die. as much as i say it doesnt matter if i go to prom alone or not... i just want to be asked!
is that too much to ask for?
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