MvtM teaser

Feb 01, 2011 10:54

Marie rested her head on the cool marble of her kitchen countertop. The faucet churned out water, the white noise doing nothing to help her pounding head.

How how HOW did these things always end up happening to her?

Pulling her hair back, she lifted her heavy head up slightly, tilted it, and took a quick drink of water straight from the tap. She stood back up fully, letting her hair fall back down. Her camera winked cheerily at her from its spot on the counter a safe distance away from the sink, and she scowled at it.

She turned around to look at her kitchen. The frying pan was laying right where she’d dropped it after bashing the thing’s head in (or what she assumed was its head; it was hard to tell when your adversary was nothing but a huge blob), and the thing hadn’t moved either.

Marie sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose, and wondered (not for the first time) when her life had become a Doctor Who special.

Written for a friend by request.  Well, psuedo-request.  Check him out at


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