May 05, 2005 17:05
LeTs GiVe THeM soMeTHiNG To TaLK aBoUT..
heeey my loves..i know lately things havent been to good with some of my friends..karina--i love you so much..brandee--i love you bee*yonce..natalie--i love you and im praying for you
well lets start with yesterday--it was awesome during 7th period lunch we were playing twister in the hall and it was awesome me steve and mike..yeah i was soo winning when the teachers broke it up..haha well then i got a kittie after school her name is shellie and shes 4 weeks old and she feeds outta bottle..i unno if i want to keep her i mean i love her and all but its soo difficult..=) maybe ill give her to my neighbor so i can visit her..anyways well today or atleast this morning at 1 am shellie had to be fed..then i went to school aand we dissected a jawless fish in bio it was awesome 2m is late start so i get to sleep in..anyways ill ttyl xoxox katiee
..HoW aBoUT LoVe...LoVe