Sep 15, 2006 20:51
1.- If I were a fruit I'd be... A Lime
2.- If I were a colour I'd be... Green
3.- If I were an animal I'd be... A Polar bear
4.- If I were a domestic appliance I'd be... Washing Machine
5.- If I were a book I'd be... Awake and Dreaming by Kit Pearson
6.- If I were a clothing item I'd be... Comfy old Pajama Bottoms with wacky designs
7.- If I were a piece of jewelry I'd be... A Hair Clip
8.- If I were an object I'd be... A Fence post
9.- If I were a car I'd be... Shelby Cobra GT500 Mustang
10.- If I were an element I'd be... Water
11.- If I were a tree I'd be... A Spruce
12.- If I were a drink I'd be... Cappucino
13.- If I were an ice cream flavor I'd be... Mint Chocolate Chip
14.- If I were a person I'd be... Amelia Airhart
15.- If I were a planet I'd be... Pluto (Too cool to be a planet)
16.- If I were an insect I'd be... A Water Beetle
17.- If I were a transport medium I'd be... A horse
18.- If I were a song I'd be... "If I could change the world" By Eric Clapton
19.- If I were a movie I'd be... Danny Deckchair
20.- If I were a season I'd be... Spring
21.- If I were a flower I'd be... A Daisy
22.- If I were a job I'd be... Dictator
23.- If I were a cartoon character I'd be... Bugs Bunny
24.- If I were a place I'd be... Sicily
25.- If I were a gift I'd be... An annoying Kitten
26.- If I were a memory I'd be... Jumping off the dock into a lake in the summer
27.- If I were a city I'd be... Oslo
28.- If I were a sense I'd be... Olfactory
29.- If I were a game I'd be... Dominoes
30.- If I were a candy I'd be... Gummy frogs
31.- If I were a time of the day I'd be... Late morning
32.- If I were an invention I'd be... The Radio
33.- If I were a bodypart I'd be... The pinky of the left hand
34.- If I were a country I'd be... Norway
35.- If I were a flavor I'd be... Bitter and sweet
36.- If I were a sport I'd be... Rugby
37.- If I were a smell I'd be... Fresh baked bread
38.- If I were a subject I'd be... English (Which I normally did sleep through)
39.- If I were a flag I'd be... the Canadian Maple Leaf
40.- If I were a building I'd be... the Edmonton Legislature Building
41.- If I were a month I'd be... June
42.- If I were a perfume I'd be... N'19 CHANEL
43.- If I were a gummy candy I'd be... Gummy worms
45.- If I were a toy I'd be... A Jack in the Box
46.- If I were a textile I'd be... Cashmier
47.- If I were a shape I'd be... a triangle
48.- If I were an answer I'd be... Unthinking
49.- If I were a common licorice I'd be... Black Licorice
50.- If I were a word I'd be... Mud