I am now an official fledgling!

Jul 06, 2007 08:48

I turned up at the spiritualist church last night only to find our medium had not turned up because his car had broken down in the bad weather.

A friend who I sit in circle with decided to volunteer my services in my absence - so I was greeted with one meek looking friend, and a microphone (which I didnt need. I am tall enough to project my voice over everyone's heads!)

Anyway I said I would only do it if she did - so with the help of another stand in medium who gave the address, we stood there and hopefully gave some pretty convincing evidence that life goes on.

Interesting to see how we work in different ways. One liked to talk about guides, my friend has more emotion, and I like to tend to deliver practical evidence. Pity we had to stop because by the end of the service I had messages queueing up - so I gave those afterwards.

I was buzzing afterwards, and would like to do it again. I have thought about how I could deliver my messages better and look forward to having the opportunity again.

People came up to me afterwards to tell me they enjoyed my messages, they thought I was confident, they could all hear me (always a bonus, some of them you cant) and that I was more animated. I just hope that was genuine feedback (thats my doubting side coming in). I hope I can come across someone who can give me some constructive feedback too so I can learn.

Anyway - move over gordon smith!
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