The Hobbit: An Illustrated Edition of the Fantasy Classic
by Charles Dixon, J. R. R. Tolkien, and David Wenzel
I checked this in at the library from the book drop a few weeks back and immediately checked it out to myself because I like the Lord of the Rings books and this version of The Hobbit looked so beautiful. I wasn't wrong. I finally got around to reading it on Do Nothing But Read Day.
The art is absolutely gorgeous. I really liked the style used for everything from narration boxes to characters. There's so much detail and color on every page:
As for the story, it was completely faithful and there was SO much narration I wouldn't be surprised if it was close to unabridged. There were some pages where there was more text than art. At times, that was a little overwhelming, but mostly I just enjoyed the story (even though I've read & earread The Hobbit a number of times. I really enjoyed going on the adventure with Bilbo again.
I highly recommend this version of the story. I loved it.