Here Comes the Easter Cat by Deborah Underwood

May 22, 2016 17:59

Here Comes the Easter Cat
by Deborah Underwood

I read another of the books in this series a while back but I don't think I recorded the title (nor can I remember which it was). These books are adorable, frustrating, and funny! In this book, Cat isn't so fond of or impressed by Easter. In fact, he decides he's much better than the Easter Bunny! But the job is more than he expected. And just when I thought it would take a bad turn, Cat pulls out some sweetness after all. Awww.

This book is lots of fun, with great back-and-forth between cat and the narrator as well as awesome illustrations. I will definitely keep my eyes out for other Cat books as I volunteer in the library.

author: u, genre: picture book, title: h, series, book review

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