The First Part Last by Angela Johnson

Jan 05, 2013 19:01

The First Part Last
by Angela Johnson

You really don't see a lot of books about single teen dads, do you?

This one is interesting as it's literally the kid's first few weeks as a single dad. He struggles with figuring out how to handle this new part of his life and a daughter who they were actually going to give up for adoption before the mother had a health complication. The hardest part of it for him seemed to be combatting all the people in his life who keep telling him what to do and how to handle a baby. He certainly relies on advice, but in the end he figures it out for himself.

This was an extremely short but sweet book. I liked Bobby a lot and you couldn't help rooting for him to keep his daughter, who he has completely fallen in love with and the only tie to his comatose girlfriend he has left. The ending was satisfying and the whole story was a great example of everyday life in this urban setting.

title: the, genre: young adult, author: j, book review

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