10 jobs to apply for, 8 post doc applications due, chapter rewrites required, book reports, an article submission deadline, the world feels like one of those swirling vortexes with a black hole at the center that eats all light (that is, of course, October 1, my first due date). Then, if I'm lucky, I get sucked through the whole and come out the wormhole on the other side.
Of course there's also half a dozen meetings between now and then on campus until 9 pm that I'm due to go to, so the educationally social is coming along hand in hand with the academic. Then there's things like friends. Why am I not a hermit?
Kidding. Mostly. I like people. I like my friends. I like them so much I actually am throwing a party for my birthday that will wine and dine them. And things keep arriving from amazon to help with the party. It's pretty cool.
but wow, i kind of am loving and fearing the next two weeks. It's like how I imagine stepping through a stargate feels - anticipation mixed with fear until you arrive safely on the other side.
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