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Comments 11

mireille719 January 31 2014, 02:53:31 UTC
I hope the herbs and things help Domino!

And I am girding my loins to go and read the binary-gender stuff, because, well, this has not been a terribly good brain week and I suspect there will be big words. :)


katekat1010 January 31 2014, 03:04:53 UTC
Mir! *squeee*

ok, now that's over, yeah, keep your fingers crossed for me and the puppy. it's been since november she's been having trouble and while i've gotten it to a sort of ridiculous but manageable schedule (she's now getting her regular food, plus this relax chewy thing, then two different chinese herbs twice a day), it basically hog ties me to the dog

and gird your loins for a variety of reasons! but the intro (Alex's) post i think is not so bad - it does do all the complex wording stuff but is short. The other is just one SF author being sarcastic with another SF author being sarcastic, so i think not sooo painful :)


mireille719 January 31 2014, 04:44:43 UTC
And you know, once I read the comments on Hines' post (I actually follow his blog haphazardly, as I like some of his books), I found that not being able to brain today is not a problem, as there are SO MANY PEOPLE out there who cannot understand the word "default."


katekat1010 January 31 2014, 04:55:54 UTC
i know, right? it's like.... hello? where was your reading comprehension dear angry!commenter ... oh, yeah, it got lost as soon as you decided you were going to put your angry!hat on because someone was talking about non-binary gender. ;)


mireille719 January 31 2014, 03:02:54 UTC
Oh, and re: "fisking," which I had to look up too, Wikipedia defines it as "blogosphere slang describing a point-by-point criticism that highlights perceived errors, or disputes the analysis in a statement, article, or essay." Which explains why I didn't know what it was, because I tend to run away from things that describe themselves as being part of the "blogosphere."


katekat1010 January 31 2014, 03:05:49 UTC
AH, the blogosphere! thank god i never go there ;)

thanks for the definition though - now i know! :D


mireille719 January 31 2014, 04:45:31 UTC
I go there. I just tend to avoid places that *describe themselves* as being there, if that makes sense.


katekat1010 January 31 2014, 04:58:00 UTC
yeah, it absolutely does!


mishloran January 31 2014, 07:05:02 UTC
Don't know if you'd be able to try it but we feed our dog on a kind of 'raw food' diet. We had such huge problems with our last one in terms of allergies and food, when we got Jet as a puppy from the gamekeeper he said he feeds all his dogs on kibbley dried food in the morning and then chicken wings / pieces in the evening. They have just the right bone-gristle-meat ratio, and chicken if UNcooked is really good for your dog, bones and all. Might work out cheaper than buying hokum hippy recipes. But then again, meat is effing expensive, so perhaps not. We tend to pick up chicken carcasses from the butchers (it's a case of finding a butchers that does them, as they don't tend to advertise as they're all the bits of the chicken that don't - but can, for stock etc - sell), and it's much cheaper than buying actual meat. Just requires resolve when hacking them up with a massive carving knife. Because, yes, dogs are omnivorous, but really those canines weren't meant for chewing up carrot... is the idea, I think ( ... )


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