why hello there, you're looking mighty fine this evening flist

Aug 18, 2012 20:54

it's been hot in lalaland lately. and i know, most of you in the rest of the country/world live with summers filled with evil humidity - my favorite quote from Tom Robbins was something I thought was just fanciful imagination until I went to New Orleans and felt that humidity for myself.

The minute you land in New Orleans, something wet and dark ( Read more... )

*fandom: firefly, *pairing: mal/simon, recs, adventures in japan, adventures in la la land

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lostgirlslair September 4 2012, 03:05:07 UTC
I am totally with you. Well, on everything but the going to Japan for a year thing because while that is *awesome* (and must also feel pretty enormous!!) I am not doing that. *G* But the heat? TOTALLY WITH YOU!! And I love the New Orleans quote, because it's so bizarrely true. While the power was out, every day someone in the apartment complex was down at the grill cooking. Usually two people, taking shifts and cooking whatever people brought them to make sure we all had a constant supply of food for when we wondered down there to attempt to catch a breeze. Food is a huge part of New Orleans life, and I honestly think that's at leas partially because you have to do something to distract yourself from the heat!

I hope you're cooler now, darlin'!

Also? OMG you're going to live in Japan for a year!! That is so fantastic, but I bet it's also some intimidating, and maybe also some strange. Have you been to the area you'll be living in before?

And woot for the Firefly rec! I am totally going to read it now, since I don't have the brain power for anything else!


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