back once again

Aug 15, 2011 22:24

i've gotten so far out of this habit of blogging that i feel like i need to set myself a daily task to get back in - but right now i need to set myself lots of daily tasks - because i'm back home ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

samanthahirr August 17 2011, 01:47:50 UTC
YAY welcome home! I'm sorry about the persistent cold and the eternal/unbearable lightness of paperwork and red tape. But you'll be better soon--you're with friends and family (and puppy!) who love you!

Be well, and be AWESOME with your Japanese and your TA'ing.

(Be the mean TA, the one everyone is scared of. Mwaaaahaha!)


katekat1010 August 17 2011, 03:05:05 UTC
thanks for the welcome home darling! the cold is *slowly* getting better, so hopefully sometime in the next couple of months I can look forward to it dissappearing! and the friends and puppy make it all better, honestly!

also, will do my best to be awesome always! The funny (sad) secret is that while i used to imagine myself as the cuddly warm teacher, i'm totally the 'sorta bitchy but ultimately fair' TA. (at least according to past classes). it will be nice to get back to it!


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