I'm sorry to come in with my bags of woe

Oct 27, 2010 00:33

But I've got 'em.

Ok, so, first?  Good things in my life, things that have gone on in the last 7 days:

  • Maija came over tonight and bought me yummy vegetarian thai food and we watched True Blood and had an enjoyable, sane (mostly, but will get to that) evening
  • I got to work with 3rd graders today to figure out how to learn more about local ( Read more... )

adventures in la la land

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Comments 9

dara_starscream October 27 2010, 07:57:46 UTC

Methinks it might be time for you and landlord to consult an attorney if you haven't already. Also, does the landlord have any other properties into which you can move? Like, now?

Are you worried about physical safety -- yours or Domino's? And at what point can the police remove her from the premesis and/or arrest her?

If the serious, no-bullshit answer to question one is yes, concede the field. The game isn't worth the candle if you or Dom wind up in the hospital because some deranged person doesn't know when to quit



mishloran October 27 2010, 11:24:52 UTC
I honestly dont see how she can get away with that level of harassment, if she's not technically a tenant she shouldn't be able to get in; there's no squatters rights involved?!!

Re her getting into your room, that IS serious and well done you for calling the fuzz on her. Hopefully that will tell her your serious and deter her from further madness. Be really careful with having a look to see she's not nicked anything; very tempting to say she has, I'd have thought!

Mostly; get your window fixed and hide valuables when you go out? Shouldnt be too long before she is kicked out the house for good? Can boyhousemate talk to her with some sense? :S

Mostly; lots of love from me! xxx


seldomifever October 27 2010, 12:30:43 UTC
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this crap. Why on earth would she think you owe her money?


silentflux October 27 2010, 14:33:09 UTC
Wow - it's good you called the police, since it will show on the record if she does anything else crazy. And if you notice anything's missing, you should totally have her arrested - that's ridiculous.

Make sure you save and document everything that happens - kinda diary-like. It helps if you write it down as things happen so that there's a record of your recollection of events with dates and times. Take pictures of the window and door and file that with it. You can never have too much information, imho, especially when you're talking about harassment.

Good luck, hon - I really hope this clears up for you soon. *hugs*


sahiya October 27 2010, 14:58:31 UTC
Dude, there has to be some way to deal with this. At what point does her presence on the property become trespassing? Because it sounds like she'll keep doing it until someone (i.e. the police) force her to stop.

Can you change the locks on the outer doors?


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