ok, world, you can stop anytime now

Oct 01, 2010 23:56

I came out from class yesterday to find my car had been towed.  Silver lining?  Took the bus home, which I've been meaning to do for a while.  Left the house at 9:30 am today to go to the sherrif's office to get the form that would allow me to pay the towing company the towing fees and get my car out of hock.  Silver lining? Housemate was willing ( Read more... )

adventures in la la land, crimes against nature

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Comments 22

chosenfire28 October 2 2010, 07:08:00 UTC
Oh god bb *HUGS* that sounds so stressful and horribly, thank god for silver linings and I hope everything works out from here on out.


katekat1010 October 2 2010, 17:01:33 UTC
thanks lady! my fingers and toes are all crossed about the future, because wow am i tired of calamity!


blue_meridian October 2 2010, 07:14:15 UTC
Dear god! That is one heck of a day! *hands over cookie*


katekat1010 October 2 2010, 17:02:17 UTC
right? *om nom nom* thank you for cookie! and for commiseration... i seriously did want to pull the blanket over my head last night and not come out ;)


missus_grace October 2 2010, 07:16:41 UTC
What the hell? That is just one messed up system. I'm glad you were able to work through it, and I'm happy that you have a housemate with a generous heart.

*gives you chocolate and champagne*


katekat1010 October 2 2010, 17:56:21 UTC
i know, right? it's just insane. and the only thing one can do is have patience because there are always more hoops to jump through (and it's either patience or throw a screaming crying fit, which i was almost at, but that never actually gets anything done).

and yeah, so grateful to the housemate right now for his patience!

thanks darling! *hugs*


mishloran October 2 2010, 07:28:32 UTC
Wow, I most definitely would have cried also. Like a baby. :(

Glad your boyhousemate is so awesome, though!!!!! And that it is all sorted out now.



katekat1010 October 2 2010, 17:57:16 UTC
i know, right? by the time they were saying they couldn't find my car because of the plates i was like: are you kidding me????????????????

boyhousmate is rad though.

sadly, mostly sorted. i hope monday will sort the remainder....

*hugs & love*


mechassninja October 2 2010, 08:18:21 UTC
oh lordy. you win this round ;p


katekat1010 October 2 2010, 17:57:31 UTC
dude, does not feel like it, but i'll take what i can get....


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