home home home

Jun 03, 2010 23:26

i'm home, and both trying not to fall directly into the home rut while also needing to fall into certain home ruts (lots of emails to respond to - but i'm getting there!). the trip was insanely amazing. the drive(s) were insanely amazing. more tomorrow, hopefully with pictures.

*clings to flist*

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Comments 15

shehasathree June 4 2010, 09:58:07 UTC


katekat1010 June 4 2010, 18:36:52 UTC
*tackleglomp* how is the writing going?


shehasathree June 5 2010, 02:47:32 UTC
ridiculously badly, actually. *headdesk* i am so, so blocked. it doesn't help that most of my nominally 'free' time has been spent too tired/sore to do anything useful. BUT it's a little after midday on a Saturday, and i am absolutely determined that by the end of tomorrow i will have hammered out something vaguely approaching a draft, even if it has bits in it that say [insert content here].

so, thanks for asking. :)


katekat1010 June 5 2010, 02:54:11 UTC

(and have you ever seen http://writeordie.drwicked.com/ ? i've heard it helps people get their shit done sometimes)


emelye_miller June 4 2010, 15:31:32 UTC
Welcome back! You were missed! *squooshes*


katekat1010 June 4 2010, 18:37:19 UTC
*squishes you to pieces* hi darling!!! thank you!! i missed you too - what have you been up to?


emelye_miller June 4 2010, 18:59:56 UTC
Oh, nothing much new. Writing, reading, recording...getting all up in actor's business and organizing a m&g on your turf while you're out of town. ;-)


katekat1010 June 5 2010, 03:11:30 UTC
i saw that! when are they putting you on payroll for being like awesome that way?


mishloran June 4 2010, 15:41:02 UTC


katekat1010 June 4 2010, 18:37:54 UTC
*POUNCE* how are you darling? how are the driving lessons going?


mishloran June 4 2010, 19:48:44 UTC
Hey! I am in study central; my final AS Level exam is on Monday, and I am basically spending 3 hours a day doing Cicero and/or Ovid (okay, mainly Cicero, 'cause I'm pretty sure of myself where Ovid's concerned) memorisation! Oy, it is hard work...

Driving lesson are going well; I have booked my test for the second-ish week of July! So fingers crossed (especially as my provisional license runs out on the day after I take the test - so I HAVE to pass!!!!). Although during my last lesson I was thinking about my exam on Monday and just could not switch off, so I did worse than I usually would have - and think I freaked out my instructor once by, uh, turning into a road across traffic and not stopping to wait for the traffic to stop going past... heh! Ahh, I do enjoy giving people tales of my ineptitude, but generally actually I'm quite a good driver (he said of that lesson that despite that, my 'general drive is good' even though I thought it was craaaaap ( ... )


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katekat1010 June 4 2010, 18:40:00 UTC
thanks so much dear lady! hopefully they're good (i've only seen them on the small screen of the camera) :D

how is the school stuff going? (right, you started last thurs)? is it weird to be back? (it was weird for me)


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katekat1010 June 5 2010, 00:59:20 UTC
ha! at least i get clues eventually, even if i'm slow!

and i hear you about loving and hating simultaneously. hopefully it's a good tough? and at least on the good part you get that "ooo, school is almost done!" feeling and can celebrate when classes are done!


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