Movie Posters: 10 for 10 fics (last of the spring break set)

Mar 28, 2010 20:36

procrastination? Kate is thy name. Or my name is thine. Or something. Something having to do with not reading theory, particularly theory on Ideological State Apparatuses. They're out there people, you better watch yourselves.

Anyway, to the fun parts! I have, below the cut, 10 covers for 10 fics. All kinds of fandoms, a little gen mpreg, a little total AU in space and some stuff in between.

Remember, each poster links to the fic it was created for -- so if you like you can let the authors know you liked their work too!

*pairing: giles/xander, *pairing: spike/buffy, *pairing: kirk/mckoy, *fandom: btvs.ats, *character: spike, *fandom: drwho, *fandom: star trek reboot, my graphics, *pairing: kris/adam/tommy, *pairing: kris/adam, *fandom: merlin, *fandom: american idol, *pairing: merlin/arthur, my movie posters

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