So, I know I've been sort of absent from the 'lage and LJ over the last few months and I'm sorry! I'm trying to rectify that and am rededicating myself to this fandom! I have vowed to post at least one significant LJ post per week. (Significant in no way means witty or profound, so don't get your hopes up! I just mean an actual post that is not a meme.)
While I haven't been posting much about Lost, it is never far from my mind. In fact, I see the signs of Lost everywhere I look lately. It all started when I was driving past a cemetery near my office. I had driven past every day for 3 months and one day noticed something that literally made me gasp. (yes, I can be over-dramatic! so what?) It was this headstone:
I've been a huge Alias fan for four years now and have never heard about/seen/read about anyone is real life with the last name Bristow. This made me think about all the things I see that remind me of Lost. So I set out to document all the "Lost signs" I came across. Most were things I passed by everyday in or around Ann Arbor or during my commute. Is this proof that TPTB at Bad Robot are infiltrating the country with subtle clues to watch their shows, or is it proof that I've lost my mind? You decide...
Near the "Bristow" headstone I spotted this "Quinn" headstone. What really creeped me out was the inscription, "Come fly with us to places yet unseen, come dance with us among the clouds and never be afraid to die for we are waiting in the sky" That just gives me chills.
Next are many signs with character or cast members names. Notice the intersection of Charles and Michael. Clearly, that is no coincidence. Oh, and Walt Michals RV center? Sure, they changed the spelling of Michael, but it's pretty obvious to me that the sign is begging us to watch.
I think this next one references both The Marshall from Lost and Marshall from Alias.
My personal favorite was this sign I spotted driving to Chicago. (It was a lie, btw)
They've even started using the names of the creative team. I swear next I'll see Javi Avenue or something...
I've also witnessed some actual episode titles being used.
It's troubling just how many of these license plates I've noticed lately. It's clear that it's a reference to Ethan.
So, has this madness spread to other parts of the country? Have any of you witnessed Lost "signs?"