Hi I want to apply for the PEace corps next year and added your journal as I find it honest and good glimpse into the real life of people doing things like Peace Corps.(I have done other exchange-community service program and Identify strognly with what you post.) I saw this post on the Yahoo PC group. I hope he had your permission before posting this--but seeing the other things he posts I doubt it. anyway I thought you should know http://groups.yahoo.com/group/peacecorps2/message/32952
Wow, thanks for telling me. And nope, I didn't know. I'm going to check that out. Well, welcome and I hope this can answer some of your questions about the Peace Corps. You can shoot me an e-mail at kneidhamer@yahoo.com if you want to ask specific questions.
"he" is john----he runs the program a thousand books---he posts a lot on the yahoo group comes off as a know it all who reads blogs and thinks he has the awnsers to everything from the blogs....if you join the yahoo peace corps 2 group you can find the posting there and the responses.
Oh yeah, who is "he"?
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