May 31, 2008 01:36
Motivating myself to leave the flat today was excruciating. I had one hour and forty five minutes to get to Uni, print out my Curriculum Vitae, get into town, meet Carly & Sara and hand the bugger in. I had a bit of a "flap" as Rob called it, proclaiming that life was too hard, when flatmates "borrow" your printer cable for six months and then pack it away when they move out, or when you can't find socks or when you're just bloody tired.
I called Sara for a pep talk, she was too drunk and on a not-date with Mr. Seeing-someone-else. So I called Carly and she told me to get moving and we'd go and see Sex and the City.
Wow, I cried so hard. It was like being reunited with my four best friends. It provoked some interesting conversations. Example in case, if Rob cheated on me as Steve did with Miranda, Carly and Sara would totally have my back if I stabbed him and we'd put him in a barrel with coke syrup. However, I have faith in my man, unless I'm being a paranoid android fuelled by progesterone and too much sugar (It has been decided that I'm a sugar junkie and I need to go cold turkey).
After the film, we went and had a smoke overlooking the river, the weeping willow tree's tickling the navy blue waters, the sun setting behind the cathedral. Picturesque! We saw two ducks, feathers slicked back cruising the river for some hot young tail-feathers, in the form of cumbersome mallards. Then we saw three geese fly away into the sunset and decided that they were us. We do love a good old anthropomorphic melodrama.