Nov 27, 2006 12:54
I've been saying 'darling' and 'dear' altogether too often. And smoking to much. and not wearing enough make up.
I am wearing her cashmere turtle neck and it's a wonderful thing. like a shield. I dunno.
Didn't sleep much, but when i did, deeply. Surprised myself by not doing what I was certain I was going to do. I was 'good'. yes, yes. I'm good.
Braless, and postponing errands. postponing everything. feeling older than old and lamer than lame. But not in a bad mood. just chiding myself (gently) for being so distracted, so lazy and so predictible.
I actually scoped out the greyhound sight at length today. 333 to get to and back from new york, and in only 3 days. why does this sound like the best idea ever? No now, but maybe soon.
I starting working on my script again. Now that i've had a few months away from it I'm back to thinking it is maybe the best thing I've ever had come spewing from my brain. and also the most telling about my mental (chemically mutated) state, back in Tucson and in general.
It's like that dead guy said: I miss the comfort in being sad.