Jaded lttle ingrates...

Nov 23, 2006 13:39

yeah yeah, thanks thanks, gooble gooble
threw a fishin line
across the land
into the ear of a far away friend
and baited her with a
'ya wanna know what?'
(i call her altogether to much to tell her my many revelations)
and she was hooked and told me so with
and in my way, i said more than i could say
in a sassy woe-is-me arizona inflection
'yer the only person i rilly like'
ah, released
the truth i found so personal
was mutual
i reeled in my line

Premature (and vegan) feast's aftermath
in the middle of my hoilday
i wash, and sweep and grumble
while singing badly, and dancing far worse
and swearing off once beloved traditions

i proposed this idea to my clan:
i said (characteristically arrogantly)
'fuck gratitude. fuck turkey. and table cloths and gravy. let's go see a movie, and get chinese food downtown instead'
and, surprisingly they unanimosly agreed
(i also suggested a film about dancing peguins, but alas, they, being a like minded crowd chose a industry satire flick)

time to hop in the tub
and put all this rubbish behind me
to be greedy
and to want more
say what needs to be said without being cliche
or apologetic, or base
to say thank you
and show gratitude
everyday of my damned life
save, of course,
for today
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