Pal's face says it all; gen 10!
I have decided to end this either when all their children have reached YA or when Tony has reached his LTW, which ever one I feel like, when it comes to it
We start this chapter off with Tony getting a job in the Politics career as a Podium Polisher, earning $24 an hour!
Pal also got a job; she is a Watergirl for the fire brigade earning $276 a week.
Also, when I gave her a makeover, I forgot to take a photo, so, meet Pal!
She is a Pisces with the traits of Brave, Neat, Party Animal, Childish, and Ambitious. She loves Roots music, Fried Peanutbutter and Banana Sandwiches (they're actually really amazing) and she wants to be a Firefighter Super Hero.
And now I want to watch Chicago Fire :L
Franklin's birthday!
Old <3
Tony and Pal had their first sleep over. Actually, Pal lived with them, but this is the first time they have slept in the same bed, so they celebrated.
Shayna aged up!
Whoops, forgot to pay the bills :L
Kaya rolled Perfectionist and the LTW of Master Mixologist.
Old Rebel <3
And Kaya moved out!
They do this a lot now.
I changed the master bedroom for Tony and Pal and kicked Rebel and Franklin into the old-people apartment.
Tony got Class Valedictorian and voted Most Likely to be Mediocre. Okay...
Pal got Highest Honor and voted Most Likely to Complete LTW.
This happened as soon as they got home <3
She of course said yes!!
Ohp, she's pregnant.
Rebel got promoted to Chairman of the Board! She now earns $322 an hour and got a bonus of $3,288.
Guys, meet Crissy Seward. The stupid burlger who never ages up and tried to rob the Ermahgerd's all the time.
You know what TS4 should have? A silent alarm.
So I seen this sitting out on the curb. All lonely and stuff.
But no one could pick it up *shrugs*
Chaim aged up!
Tony got promoted to Ballot Counter, earning $31 an hour and he also got a bonus of $329!
Oh! Baby time!
Hey look! Austin was at the hospital <3
Everyone meet Desmond. He was named after
Desmond Harrington who plays Quinn on Dexter. I've been obsessing over that show a little bit lately :/
Anyway, Desmond is Artistic and Insane.
The end!
I know it was short, but I really wanted to get it out or I felt like I would and as I'm moving in less than two weeks, I need to get these chapters done and I need to finish one of my ig assessments... Wooh :L
Hope you enjoyed!