PLAY FAKE -- and Happy New Year!

Jan 04, 2017 12:17

We’ll be releasing a new story in the PLAY MAKERS universe this month. It is novella length (although a lot longer than PLAY BY PLAY was/is) and the cast of characters is much smaller than the last few books.  I’m trying to balance the needs of newcomers to the series who are sometimes overwhelmed by the Triple Threat group, but I also want to reward the loyalty of long-time readers of the series who love seeing the old gang and the long, messy plots.

It was easy to make the new novella - PLAY FAKE - more of a straightforward standalone since it deals with a different football team: the Rustlers in LA rather than the Lancers in Portland. In other words, the Triple Threat characters aren’t hanging around.  We’ll see Aaron Spurling, of course, since he’s the head coach of the Rustlers. And there’s a cameo by Wyatt Bourne since he’s their QB.

After PLAY FAKE, we’ll have another book out in early summer, and trust me, that one will be a big, big book where we’ll catch up with the whole gang even though the hero and heroine aren’t Portland based. (Wait till you see who they are!) That big summer book will be a tribute to the readers who love the overarching storyline and large cast of characters in the main series as much as I do. in the meantime, you’ll love PLAY FAKE, too, I promise. Wait till you meet Nick! And check out the Epilogue for news about Deck.)

As soon as I have the finalized cover for PLAY FAKE I’ll post it here along with a blurb about the story.

Thanks and Happy New Year!

play makers sports romance football, novella

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