Mar 10, 2004 22:34
Well today was it! MY BIRTHDAY! and it was monica's birthday too! go figure...we already ave juswt about EVERYTHING in coomon why not the same birthday! haha. Thanks to everyone who remembered and made an effort to say happy birthday. Thanks to lynds and eric for their shirt...if you havent seen it...ask me sometime...its the best...thanks for all the cards too. They meant a lot. So yeah I got into school and went to P.E. We plyed wiffleball and i hit a HOMERUN! yay! and lynds gave me a baloon and it was really was a star and i carried it around pretty much all then I went to calc..and let me tell you...i am hating that class more and more everyday...i dont freaking get it at all. oh well..i think i need a tutor. So then to marketing...i presented my powerpoint on Sprite Soda...yeah it kicked butt. haha so then to mom made me an awsome salad and a fruit salad so i thouroghly enjoyed that. We had course selection day today too...that was a bit stressful because my senior year really isnt that easy. I have (Government, Honors Biology, Honors Chem 2, Honors Language, Prob/Stat) woo. thats stressful. So anyways..i went to chem after that and i took a quiz...i did alright then we went over some quantum numbers! woooo. so then after school (oh yeah this is the good part)i went to get my sisiter at the bus stop..and then i went back to monica's house so her mom could give us cake and ice cream...(it was pretty darn good) so we ate and then she had to rush out to get her permit test. she passed! :) yay! go you. and then i saw her mom and her leave and noticed that her CAT "maybe" was out...i thought it was an indoor i was like ok...lets play a little hero i went to put the cat inside...ok...the key was i called i didnt know what to do...i didnt wanna leave the cat there to i plopped the little rascall in my car...and took it to my good friend seans house! haha he took care of it until monica got home...turns out...the cat goes outside all the time...all the effort down the tube. haha. So then i picked my mom up at work and went to the Olive Garden with my was gooood. I open some cards and gifts from my dad, mom and my relatives at the table...and they embarassed me with that clapping routine those restaraunts do to sing happy birthday!! lol ohhh well the cake was sahhhweeet. soo good. so then i went home and found out my car needs a partt hat is going to take a long time to i took it home and i can drive it and it will get fixed in a few that was least i have my most prized posession back. so then i drove to venture...cause i hadn't gone to a meeting in a lon time..and it was a great time...they all sung to me (embarassed once again!) i definetly turned beat red...haha i always do. So thennn i went home from venture and did my chem. HW and talked to some people and then at 9:55 i called monica...(that was the exact time she was born) cause she did it to me at 12:24 this morning. haha. so yeah we sang to her..and peanut joined in. shes a really good singer. (Peanut is my dog, for anyone who doesn't know) if you ever have a b-day...let me know and i'll call you and me and peanut will sing to you. :) ok so now im just trying to write in here cause i was talking to monica and someone beeped in for my mom (shes had a rough night) and i unplugge the i disconnected with monica and the other person called back. The reason my mom is having a bad night is because one of the ladies she used to work with at her job died today. She had cancer so she was really upset about that. So monica if you read sorry..i didnt hang up or purposely not call mom needed to talk on the phone. so other thn that im just hanging here and typing and listening to music. so thats all for tonight. everyone have a good night.
Already PaSsED BirThdaYS:
3/2 - Sean Dunnovan
3/3 - Joe Tighe
3/9 - Jill Dreyer, P and K Moynahan, Jamie Moller
3/10 - Monica, Me, Dan Fernandes
BirthDayS cOmMiNG uP:
3/12 - Ashley Messina
3/13 - Lisa Gersh
3/16 - Mrs. C
3/19 - Julie Adams
3/24 - Britt Walker
woooo.....march is a popular month... it's when all the cool kidddds were born!