May 24, 2004 12:27
So, Curt and I have been spending a lot of time together these past few days. Fortunately, I haven't gotten tired of him, and I actually miss him when we're apart. It's been awhile since I've had these feelings. So, I'm definitely happy about that.
He's been working at Ray Winder Field (a ballpark in arkansas) for about ten years during the summer. So, we been hanging out there a lot, and I get to eat lots and lots of nachos. Yum. Its fun. We mostly stay in the sovenier stand, and for the most part, its really laid back. So, It's good time we get to spend together.
We're going to Memphis this coming up weekend to see Chris and Julie. That should be fun. The four of us always have a good time together. So, I'm excited about that.
On a different note, my best friends are going to bonaroo in a couple of weeks, and they are left with an extra ticket. For those of you who dont know (because I didnt until recently), Bonaroo is kind of like a mix between Memphis in May and Woodstock. Its a music festival that lasts all weekend. Its a lot more laid back with a lot more drugs. You bring tents and sleep on the ground and stuff. You dont really shower, and you just have a really laid back time with good music and hippies. lol.
One side of me is like "dont go!". I'm really not sure if I could handle not showering all weekend. Plus, I have never smoked and never done any kind of drug. And I dont ever plan to. I hang out with people that do a lot, but only im small amounts. So, I'm not sure how I would handle all the smoke and drugs around me.
However, part of me is like "GOOOOO!!". First of all, Its a weekend with my best friends and I think it would be a lot of fun. Plus, its definitely an experience I wont get to have anywhere else. And Maroon5 and Dave Matthews are gonna be there! I dont want to miss that! And I think that If I go expecting an insane amount of drugs, I'll prepare myself for it and it wont be that bad. And plus, If I've been drinking, maybe it wont bother me. lol.
It's a tough choice. Jessica is going to talk to her older brother about and see what he thinks. I dont want to go, hate it, and be stuck there all weekend. But I also dont want to miss out on what could really be a good time. So, we'll see.
Anyways, Tomorrow is my appointment day. eye appointment, doctor appointment, and hair appointment. So, I wont be around. But I hope everyone has a great today and tomorrow!! :)