Apr 05, 2009 17:55
Aww, I've heard it! I've heard it! Really! Miki-san has such sweet voice and in the role of Roy Mustang it's the best combination ever!!! I'm in love with Miki's voice quite while and Roy Mustang is my favorite character too for a while... I couldn't believe it, when I read that Miki will be voice actor for Roy!!! At first I was like "Aww, it couldn't be! Miki's voice is too smooth for this character" and I was really anxious how it will sounds together, but now... now I'M IN HEAVEN!!! ^____^ They couldn't choose better. I think the second series of FMA will be little more funny, and I like funny characters. Did you saw, how Roy got wet?XD It was just hilarious! ^___^ I love such scenes. XD And then, how he walked with alredy dry gloves, but he was still wet and angry. I need more of it! XD I can't wait till next episode, I hope that Roy (with this AWESOME voice!!) will be in the anime more. I read manga, but I don't know, how much they will use the story from it...
Yay! I'm so happy, I can't be happier!! ^_____^ Miki Shinichiro is the best voice actor ever! ^___^
miki shinichiro