Sep 26, 2007 17:38
So I went to the dr yesterday (i'm on 2x a week visits with non stress tests each time I go).
My doctor got a letter from the perinatologist that we saw last week and he recomends that I be delivered by 38.5 weeks. I will be 38 weeks on October 19, and I've always had that date in my head as the date that Elijah would come, so I'm wondering if my doctor will induce early :)
My sister Jill says the baby has to come on a weekend otherwise she can't come down (psh... she's got one of those REAL jobs as a teacher so she can't just call in and take a point.... psh!!)
I dunno it's just so weird. The baby shower was Saturday and I got a ton of really nice stuff! I am loved. But I am also old.
I know this is all I talk about lately, but really... my life is pretty boring without school and all of my friends living 2.5 hours away from me now.
I guess CMU's homecoming is this weekend... i've never been to a CMU football game other than the 2 I attended while I was in highschool when our marching band marched with their band.... I am so lame. I went to that school for FIVE freaking years and never went to a game...
well dang it I want to go... and I've got 4 weeks to do it... so I need to plan a road trip.... I'd be SHOCKED if matt could get the day off though...
enough of things no one cares about-- i'm gonna fold some laundry and try to find something to cook for dinner!