oh my god I'm writing a master thesis

Feb 22, 2012 11:55

Hello there, long time no see...

As I am currently in the silly project titled "trying to write my master thesis" (because me idiot thought it would be a great idea to study something challenging beside working, considering my job wasn't challenging enough - that of course was BEFORE I switched jobs...), a project that is scaring me out of the few wits I did have and resulting in having no time for family and friends, I thought I might write here a bit more regulary - and supposely more in German - for the next months. So all you folks who might feel annoyed with me for 1. not answering my phone 2. not answering emails 3. having no time 4. not surfacing from home/my boyfriends home/some dusty library 5. not even thinking of going to visit any of you beside maybe easter and AFTER my thesis : I'm here, I'm desperate, please forgive me!

more on my subject (oh please god... - some god... - anyone..? - don't let them scold me for handing in a really crappy exposé, I just didn't understand your leaflet and wrote something that sounded...er, well, crappy I guess...don't be mad at me?) later...

master of desaster

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