(no subject)

Jun 03, 2006 23:02

So my grad party was today. It was interesting on all accounts. Saw some people that I haven't seen for awhile and then about an hour or so into the party 2 cops show up investigating a kidnapping of my brother Caleb. And of course it was me who picked them up. To make a long story short, i was not arrested (Thank god!), Cabe had to be taken home in the cruiser but the Boylston PD is now calling DSS on my mother, for the 2nd time. I was in a very emotional state (still kinda am) but luckily both the Seiler's and Goodrich's were there and we gave them an earful. I'm really hoping that my mother manages to lose her teaching license (she's a middle school band director) and both my brothers are taken out of the house. So her plan to make mine and Karen's life miserable (especially since my career flashed before my eyes) backfired and we now have law enforcement on our side. Both Karen and I filled out incident reports and I'm delivering all email communications that I have received from her and other family regarding my sibs and me to the police in the next few days. She just shot herself in the foot. And my high school english teacher was there (very influencial person and also related to some of my family on my mom's side through marraige - yes I know I have weird connections) and she was not very happy.

Oh and we found out Ota's (mom's boy toy) real age. We thought there was only a 19 year ago difference, well it's really a 29 year age difference as he is 76 years old, almost 77. I said ew for about 5 mins when Cabe told me

Graduation tomorrow will be interesting to see if she shows up or not.

Other than what happened today with my mom, my life has been pretty good. Job is good. My relationship with Mike is good. I have wonderful friends and I love all of you so very dearly. I don't know what I would do without you all.
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