
May 18, 2009 07:29

 Today is going to be one of those days. I know this and have only been up 10 minutes. Oh dear.

Last night I found an angry note on my car. It said:

"Please can you not park you car on the curb.
I tried to get passed with a pram and couldn't so had to walk in the road.
This is purely selfish behavior!!!!!!"   (the word selfish was underlined for effect)

So this morning I wrote a note back, to stick i my window:

"My appologies. I thought I had left enough room for a pushchair, but obviously not.
I only park my car on the kerb because someone drove into it a few weeks ago.
Won't happen again!

p.s. Your note may have been better if you had spelt 'kerb' and 'past' correctly.

Then I attempted to move my car off of the pavement. Only, I couldn't. I was stuck. I managed to get my front wheel off, but then I couldn't go forwards anymore because of the car parked in front, and I couldn't go backwards because my front wheeel won't back up the kerb. Great.
So My car is currently half on half off the kerb, sticking out into the road. I'm going to have to wait for the car in front to move and hope nobody drives into my car in the meantime.

Also, I now realise the cruel irony that my note also contains spelling mistakes.



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