Nov 03, 2013 13:40
Timeline of my day - sat 2nd november
6.30am - My first alarm goes off. I turn it off and go back to sleep.
7.00am - My second alarm goes off. I begrudgingly crawl out of bed, throw some clothes on, get the dog up and put numerous layers of warm and waterproof clothes on. It’s raining. A lot.
7.15am - I accompany Ace on his morning walk. We normally go over the fields, but I can’t face the mud today so we go around the block on the road instead.
7.45am - Jack gets his rug on and is led round to his field. I muck-out his stable with ‘help’ from the dog. We find 5 mice in the bale of bedding that I put down. Ace chases them half-heartedly and then runs away when they squeak at him. I make a mental note to put a trap down.
8.15am - I give Ace his breakfast and lock him in the utility room. (He has to be locked in because he can open the door). I have my breakfast, make my lunch, and catch up on Internet stuff.
8.50am - I leave for work. It’s a 7-minute drive. I know I am lucky.
9.00am - I arrive at work and open up.
10.00am - Our 6 ladies arrive for the basic maintenance class. I teach the class with help from my colleague Harriet.
1.00pm - The class is over and I am starving. Time for lunch!
1.30pm - 4.30pm - Normal afternoon at work. Lots of boring jobs, and we get wet again bringing the bikes in.
5.00pm - I get home, take Ace out for a quick run, and have my tea.
6.00pm - I have a shower and get ready to go out.
7.45pm - I get to Buxton and meet Harriet and her Boyfriend for a film screening at the Buxton Adventure festival.
8.00pm - Before the film, they have an interview/talk from Annie Last, who represented us in Mountain Biking in the 2012 London Olympics. Annie and I go way back, we used to ride together and were good friends for many years.
8.45 - Before Annie leaves, I go down to the front to say hi, and she comes over for a hug ad a catch up. I’ve not seen her in over 8 years, so it was nice to say a quick hello. We snagged a picture for our work Twitter.
9.00pm - 2 mountain biking films are shown which I really enjoyed. “Not Bad”, and “Arrival”. I would really recommend Not Bad, even if you don’t have any interest in biking. The filming is outstanding and it’s really funny!
10.20pm - Get home, fall into bed, and fall asleep listening to the wind and rain.