Sep 06, 2009 08:45
I take the bus almost every day. This leads to some irrational anger. I've a very angry person most times when I'm either waiting for a bus or sitting on one.
* Assholes who smoke at bus stops. By law, bus stops are non-smoking. One such specimen was sitting beneath the no smoking sign yesterday morning. He looked a bit..unsavory, so no one was bothering to approach him. At least until the dreaded older woman, on a crusade with a cane approached. She yelled at him and he simply took another drag on the cigarette and called her mentally ill and that the by-laws were ridiculous.
* People who sit in the aisle seat and refuse to move over so anyone else can sit down. Fuck off. I hate sitting next to people probably more than the average person but I still move my ass over and leave a seat empty. If you don't want to be near people, get your own damn car.
* My pet peeve that I've mentioned before but it always bears repeating: SUV baby strollers on the bus. Moms who take the bus are some of the worst entitlement bitches that I've ever seen. And I work in retail.
* I also despise people who sit on the bus and have very loud conversations about inappropriate topics that generally contain profanity. Get some class.
* That weird guy on the bus. You know what I'm talking about.