Here's an open invitation for Second Life residents to the first Second Life Anti-Griefing Guild meeting:
Hello, fellow anti-griefers! This Saturday, December 2, we'll have our first meeting/party/soiree for the Second Life Anti-Griefing Guild at 7 PM SL Time (the same as Pacific Standard Time) at the
Second Life Sylph Refuge (our home). There will be dancing and silly little freebies, but please come prepared to talk or learn about:
* What kinds of griefing attacks are most common
* What kinds of griefing protection you would most like to see, and
* What kinds of griefing protecting (techniques or tools) you know of that are already out there.
We'll use this as a starting point for planning our first anti-griefing manual and freebie anti-griefing package. One note: SLAGG techniques never involve counter-attacks or tools that lend themselves to griefing.
This is an open gathering; invite your friends and repost this message! The more of us there are, the stronger we'll be. Anyone who would like to work against griefing can join the Second Life Anti-Griefing Guild (SLAGG) for free; search in the Groups list for "anti-griefing". Got any questions? IM me! I'd also love ideas for or attempts at a logo I can put on a free SLAGG t-shirt.
See you then!
^^^\ Kate Amdahl /^^^
PS - If the time isn't convenient for you, please let me know what times work better for you, for planning future meetings.