May 26, 2013 23:56
Nothing much of importance to share, just having a time and feeling things that need to be figured out, whatever that means. This has been a supremely hard week and I am pretty sure a day didn't pass where I wasn't at some point for some moment crying in public. That's not a problem-- it's just what happened. That's okay. We all have those weeks, even if nobody else actually sees us crying. Some days are just hard. Some times are just really hard..
Right now is not hard, really. I'm being hard on the now.
Just feeling like I need to work it out within myself before I go full force working it out into the world. But, for the record, life is more than relationships and work and yadayada all the things that make up a life --- at the end of the day, there is the essence of life. Just what your life is, what you feel, where your heart is. That's the part, that was the hard part this week. The spirit...
and then i was tiiiiiiired.....