
Nov 13, 2008 22:22

Today's tweets:

  • 11:36 Even my limited number of twitterpals has gotten out of control. Gave up and downloaded twitterific. #
  • 13:18 @ altoclef Lilith - Medea parallel? I don't know the Lilith story well enough, but... distortion of generative powers equating to sorcerous? #
  • 13:19 @ ecormany I'm just pleased you called it "epiphenomenal". #
  • 13:35 @ altoclef Do you mean C11 CE for first sources for Lilith-Adam's-1st-wife? Moreover, wouldn't tie to ancient Babylonian sources make sense #
  • 13:35 @ altoclef for a connection to Medea myth? (Granted, my knowl. textual transm. not great for this context.) #
  • 13:45 @ altoclef Ok, got that. But generic "Liliths" as demons, from ancient Babylonian sources, connect to G-R Medea story? Esp. given location? #
  • 13:48 @ altoclef Just curious :-) Someday I need to improve my ancient Judaic/mid-East/Babylonian myth knowledge. #
  • 13:50 @ altoclef know, in all that spare time I plan on having. #
  • 16:16 Aviva just gave me some sort of Asian "strawberry flavor Jelly Drink". The experience is like bubble tea on steroids, in a plastic pouch. #
  • 16:42 In my head: how much does medium affect content? Alcidamas/Plato seem to have believed that writing ossified knowledge, made thinking less #
  • 16:43 fluid, made thinkers less agile and capable. Now, with the switch to new media, are we seeing another shift in thought? Cf #
  • 16:45 E.g. My writing style varies hugely between paper/computer, and my thinking is very different in speech and text. But that's just me. #
  • 17:01 @ ethanbenatan Still, "Unfortunately, a clear interpretation of this passage eludes us because YOU NEED TO RESTART YOUR COMPUTER. VEUILLEZ.." #
  • 17:10 @ misshepeshu And we love you for it. Now upload a picture! And update us on your paper! And write witty things! #
  • 17:36 @ faethverity Inflation strikes again! #
  • 17:36 @ faethverity It's interesting that you tie that to the composition of explicitly non-textual media. We should talk about this more. #
  • 18:00 @ ethanbenatan is misbehaving at the T-Watch meeting. #
  • 19:13 Really early for orchestra rehearsal in "chapel" tonight. #
  • 20:38 @ linettasky We win! @misshepeshu and I still haven't given in. Then again, our apartment is tiny and full of living things. #
  • 20:49 On the way out of Eliot Hall, I saw the full moon perfectly framed by a halo of small, moving clouds and had to stop for a moment. #
  • 20:55 @ freyley It's /always/ a competition. #
  • 21:05 Became curious about how much Twitterific is increasing my tweet volume. #
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