Updates on life, the universe and everything

Oct 01, 2010 20:24

 The big thing being that my internet is installed and working!!!!!!!!! I swear it could be installed in Sierra Leone with less hassle O.o ah well all sorted now and I can now click on cock-sock linkies to my hearts content without people filing some kind of report against me :D not to mention all the fangirling, commenting and icon collecting I've missed out on since...... July. (can't believe I still need to comment on Katieforsythe's newest story, I should be shot.)

Non internet related everything being that I'm dead on my feet from work setting up the new shop - new assistant manager is a massive headwreck as a manager but a really nice person to talk to so I'm hoping she'll develop some ability to delegate and not ride roughshod over me, everything I do and everything I say soon enough. Thank God Alan (main manager) is back tomorrow though or I would have quite literally screamed. Other than that I'm really enjoying it. I was building cat trees all of Tuesday and apart from the sisal burns and cuts it was really rather satisfying, and my fear of ladder related heights is taking a lot of challenging so I'm looking at that positively and hoping it will go away because of it. Feel like I'm coming down with something which I hope will be ok by the time the shop opens because there should be a lot going on which is rather exciting - it's very sad how satisfying it is seeing it take shape every day :S Another good thing about it is the amount of French I'm discovering I know, although some of the labels are totally in German (even though they're meant not to stock stuff like that) so I will probably have to learn some of that - which is good, expanding my horizons and all that (I've already learned chicken is glufugal - or something), if only I could get a pet related German dictonary instead of conversational.

Having money is nice too, I went into town last night and after much searching in the library, vibes and scribes and HMV I finally found Maurice (in book form) in Waterstones, where I'd already tried once before. They didn't have it out but a guy at the till was really nice and found it lurking in the stock room for me - they'd only got it in the day before apparently :DDD so started that last night and really looking forward to finishing it *squee* then went shopping again today, sent some petfood home to Sweep cos it's better than he gets at home, and got a lovely new coat cos being the idiot that I am I didn't move over any of my winter things yet >< I also got a 10% discount cos a button was missing from the front, but there was a spare one inside!!! I no longer have to walk about the town looking like a farmer in a hoodie, body warmer and anorak in order not to freeze and it goes with my other stuff too so I wont be dressing like a mad parrot any more! \0/

Um other than that I'm having a week of trying new stuff, so tonight I'm making rabbit stew, which will hopefully be nice. The butcher thought I'd be all squeamish and offered to chop and gut it for me and I hesitated and then said "oh go on then, it's probably best or I'll just end up dissecting it." then I realised I was stooping to look through the sneeze guard as he did it and my friend was giving me very odd looks and I had to explain "sorry, I'm a zoologist, not a psychopath." and he said "I did wonder" O.o oops, ah well. Friend was totally freaked out though.

And the last bit of excitement being we're getting cats! I miss Sweep so much I think it'll be really nice, though obviously I'll still miss him, I will at least have the comfort and entertainment of one. We're actually getting 2 although only intended to get one. We went down to the sanctuary and had a look (many heartbreaking cases and some that might be better off for being PTS really) and eventually decided on a possible FeLV one (though I'm hoping from the sounds of it only primary and recovering) and her daughter, who's clean. The mum is all white which I've never gone for much but absolutely gorgeous and so affectionate - she let me hold her and sat facing me, with all my Sweep related experience poised for a face-attack but she was totally calm and gentle, I'm a little in love. Dave (my partner, bf, whatever he is) was similarly enamoured of the daughter who is a tab and white and playful and generally adorable in that gangly kitten way. The mum can't go outside at all in case she passes it to other cats (the daughter is vaccinated) so I don't feel bad about keeping her indoors and the people at the rescue and at work, said keeping them together will be best for them if they're inside. After much decisioning yesterday I've decided (90%) to call the mum Tiramasu, Su/ Suzie for short, as it got the most approvals from my shortlist when I asked people (thankies to xarixian - I'm still quite keen on (Desde)mona the vampire), and Dave says he's calling the daughter Esmerelda (Esme for everyday). The rats are about the same as ever, Algy's still a worry and I'm hoping to get a day off in advance soon so as to take him down the vets again and see if heart meds will improve things. Here's hoping. 

personal crap, rats, kittehs, squee

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